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Nostradamus Introduction small.jpg
Please allow me  to take your hand and  guide you. I will show you one step at the time how to exit the systems and patterns society is stuck in today. We will head into a realm in which technology enables YOU to become the creator of the future you dream  about.
Just watch the Nostradamus video episodes called 'TRANSITIONS' in a consecutive order to understand and grow. You will laugh, trip, and be proud of yourself along the way!
That is all you need to know for NOW! No need to read further.
Watch and see!


Transition  ONE - Hello world - who am I?

To be released when the combined views of the release Video above has reached a total of 10.000 views combined on youtube, and vimeo. Share it and the future will happen sooner.


Transition  TWO - My home -

To be released when the combined views of the release Video above has reached a total of 10.000 views combined on youtube, and vimeo. Share it and the future will happen sooner.


Transition  THREE - BRAVE new world

To be released when the combined views of the release Video above has reached a total of 10.000 views combined on youtube, and vimeo. Share it and the future will happen sooner.


Transition  FOUR - to be announced after Transition ONE has aired. 

New transitions air and release on a weekly basis and you should watch them in a consecutive order as they appear. You may also binge them like your other favorite series with friends and family to go to the future together.



You are a futurist!? Meta Mask is part of your common routine and you love

the web3 already?

If there are at least  two terms in this first sentence you don't fully understand read no further  and go back to NOW and TRANSITION. Take the paved road which I will lay out for you there, to avoid taking the  wrong turn into the future.

Your future will always be there for you when you are ready. No rush, take a breath and your time.

You are still here? You keep reading? You really want to know what is next for you?!

That means you are ahead of the game and can benefit even more. The deeper you read into everything I say, find the hidden hints and discover and connect the dots you will be able to predict what I will do next. LBRY is my home. is where I will be the first INTERCHAIN superstar. AUGUR is one of the galaxies of your  COSMOS which allows you to profit from the self-fulfilling prophecies you are now part of. You are part of a new ICONOMI which loves you back the more you love it forth. Did you pay attention the one eyed NFT at the end of the video above? If you like it, others will too! It is dancing. Where could it possibly live, for you to find it, love it, and hold dear?

Keep coming back here! Hints will be added, new links appear and we will inch closer to the future - you always dreamt about.



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